5.56 mm Arsenal Assault Rifle AR-SF with Short Barrel and Folding B

This individual weapon is designed to destroy manpower by automatic or single fire.



Cartridge, mm 5.56 x 45 NATO (.223 Remington)
Rate of fire, shots per min 600
Practical rate of fire, shots/min– automatic fire

– single fire

up to 10040
Fire mode single and automatic
Maximum effective firing range, m 1100
Muzzle velocity, m/s 700
Sighting range, m up to 500
Concentration of fire at 100 m distance– at 100m distance (single fire)

– at 100 m distance (automatic fire)

≤ 150mm vertical ≤ 120mm horizontal≤ 250mm vertical ≤ 250mm horizontal
Number of grooves in the barrel 6
Barrel length, mm 215
Barrel life, rounds 15000
Sight radius, mm 240
Length with folder butt, mm 550
Length with unfolded butt, mm 770
Weight with loaded magazine, kg
– rifle with folding butt
Standard vision mechanic
Principle of function gas operated
automatic rifle
Manufacturer Arsenal


Sling and cleaning rod Bag with 4 magazines
Box with accessories ;Oil can Magazine loading set 4 pieces


Number of rifles in 1 wooden case 12
Case dimensions, mm 1093 x 509 x 285
Weight of the wooden case, kg 85
Volume of the wooden case, m3 0.18